Proximus Media Guides

Image compression

Compress your image to reach the maximum weight recommandation.

last modified: 01/01/1601 01:00:00


Compressing your image(s) is an mandatory step of the images creation. Compressing the images allows us to ensure the good performance of the website and thus guarantee a good user experience.

Please compress your image(s) before to put it on validation or add it in the CMS.

How to


We recommand to use ImageOpti to compress your image(s) while keeping a good visual quality.

ImageOptim FR - ImageOptim EN

Another tools

Do you want to use another tool? This one allows you to keep a good visual quality while staying under the maximum recommended weight? If yes, let's go!

Quality remains the priority

Compressing images and staying under the maximum recommended weight does not mean losing visual quality. It is essential to keep a correct visual quality.

